Prescription Drug Abuse Among the Elderly

Anyone can struggle with prescription drug abuse, yet the age of a person can influence the way the individual receives treatment and the long-term effects of these medications. Prescription drug abuse in the elderly population is produced in part by the fact that an aging person is more susceptible to having a disease. Benzos and Opioids are generally among the most potentially addicting categories of prescription drugs in these individuals.

Elders are more prone to becoming dependent on prescription drugs because their bodies cannot process them as well as younger individuals do. Also, older people are generally prescribed some of the most addicting medications available. When seniors are prescribed drugs from different physicians or obtain refills of the same medication by different pharmacies, this can be a warning sign of addiction.

Identifying the signs of prescription drug abuse in older adults is not always easy. Some common warning signs including sleep problems, anxiety, falls and depression. Memory impairment may also be a sign of other illnesses. This is why physicians and loved ones so often fail to recognize when the person is struggling with an addiction. Consequently, these individuals don't get the help they need or appropriate treatment for their addiction struggles.

Many drug treatment centers are equipped with focused programs for specific age groups. Older addicts can experience health conditions that can complicate addiction treatment. Their behaviors may also be more rooted in their lifestyle and personal identity; therefore, treatment may take longer for these individuals.

Being honest about your chemical dependency is a necessary step towards getting needed help. Dial 785 312-3071 and hear your options. We can help you find drug rehabs to choose from.

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